McClory Family

The McClory family and neighbors lemonade stand made $200! All proceeds from the stand were given to shelter.

Thank you so much McClory’s and friends!

Central Middle School

Central Middle School completed their community service project by making homemade blankets to help keep our shelter guests warm and cozy! They also donated cash to the shelter to buy much needed supplies. Thank you Central Middle School!

Laura L.

Thank you so much for sharing your day with our Shelter guests. They really appreciate your donation!

Austin D.

Austin came in with tons of items purchased off our wish list! Austin purchased the items with his Christmas money. What an amazing guy and such a wonderful way to help our shelter guests!


For her 8th birthday Ella asked for donations to help Quincy Animal Shelter! Ella dropped off supplies and a cash donation that will go a long way to help many animals. Thank you so much for your generosity and thoughtfulness Ella!

Kieran F.

Kieran collected donations for QAS as a part of his community project at school. He and his friends placed bins around which quickly filled up with toys, treats, food, and other supplies for our guests!

Celia M.

This is Celia Mosillo of Braintree. She donated, with the assistance of her mom, cat treats, a cat bed, laundry and dish detergent and more to the Shelter on Saturday, March 4. She wants to volunteer when she turns 18. Lulu, also in the picture, thinks she’ll be a terrific one!!

The Animal Welfare Club at The Woodward School for Girls

The Animal Welfare Club at The Woodward School for Girls collected wish list items for our residents.  This club has been doing this for many years.

Emily, Abigail, Emma & Jacob

St Gabriel’s 1st grade Sunday School class (Emily, Abigail, Emma & Jacob) made blankets to keep the puppies and kitties warm.

Hadley M.

Hadley M. collected many wish list items to donate in lieu of gifts for her birthday.