My husband and I adopted “Kelly” from QAS last May 2017. We fostered her first, to see if we could successfully integrate her into our already-one-cat household. We are the proud cat parents of a wonderful 14 year old senior, Tubby. We brought Kelly (an 8 year old loving and friendly sweetheart) home from QAS, set her up in our spare bedroom, and kept her there (with her many creature comforts) with the door closed for 4 days (we visited her frequently, of course!).
After 4 days passed we opened the door and put up two stackable baby gates. This allowed Kelly to ‘meet’ (and get used to) Tubby (and vice versa), but eliminated the risk of a fight. We kept this “baby gate” arrangement for almost 2 weeks. At that point, we took the gates down for the “in-person” (“in-feline”?) meeting and it went remarkably well!
Now, 9 months later, they are almost friends J. They co-exist beautifully with only the occasional scuffle. When they’re apart, they look for (and miss!) one another. It’s been wonderful to have two. Also, it’s worth mentioning that we adopted Kelly with some medical issues. She required a tooth extraction and an additional/second spay surgery. She was worth all of it and then some. We love her dearly and we are SO happy to have her as part of our family. SUCCESS!!!
Thank you so much for taking Kelly in, for and giving her food, love, and shelter when she needed it.
Elinor & Erik Kostanski
Melrose, Massachusetts