Our mission is to advocate for animals by providing safety until home placement of those in our care. We promote spay and neuter programs as a means to control pet overpopulation and continually strive to be the leading community resource for education on proper animal welfare.
We are currently seeking to fill and expand positions on our Board of Directors. We seek energetic, passionate people who have experience in the following areas:
Legal: 501c3, Liability, Employment, Contracts
Human Resources
Information Technology
Financial Planning, Budgeting
Fundraising, Grant Writing, Event Planning, Estate Planning, Sponsorship
Veterinary Medicine
Board of Directors (click here to meet our BOD)
QAS Board of Directors will support the work of Quincy Animal Shelter, Inc. (QAS) by providing leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by the Shelter Director, (SD) the Board- Shelter Director relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected.
Specific Board Member Responsibilities Include:
Leadership, Governance, and Oversight
- Assist with the development and implementation of a sound strategic plan.
- Ensure compliance with proper financial systems and controls; evaluate QAS’s financial health; participate in the annual budget development process.
- Review board materials prior to board and committee meetings.
- Serve on at least one committee and actively participate in committee work.
- Assist in identifying and recruiting new board members.
- Participate in the onboarding of new board members.
- Partner with the SD and the board chair to ensure that board resolutions are carried out.
- Provide critical feedback to board members and the Shelter Director.
- Understand and comply with the by-Laws, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct
- Act in the best interest of QAS.
Board Terms and Attendance
- Board members are expected to attend 10 two hour board meetings each year.
- Attend at least one volunteer meeting each year.
- The board does not set term limits however a two year commitment is requested.
- Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month except August and December unless deemed necessary. Meetings are held at the shelter.
- Committee meetings are held at the discretion of the committee chairs and may be conducted in person, virtually or by phone.
Fundraising and Events
- Board members are expected to actively participate and support planned fundraising events and appeals.
Preferred Board Member Qualifications
- Nonprofit board and/or leadership experience is preferred.
- The ability to work cooperatively with others towards a common goal.
- Possesses excellent communication skills. Understanding of financial and tax statements.
- Can be trusted to act in the best interest of the organization.
Application Process
Please submit a copy of your resume with a cover letter that explains the following:
- Why you want to serve as a QAS Board member.
- Describe your areas of expertise that will benefit QAS.
- Tell us about your experience as a board member or a leader.
- Confirm that you understand the time required time commitment.
Submit applications to secretary@quincyanimalshelter.org
Qualified candidates will be asked to attend at least two board meetings.
New Board members must be nominated by existing Board members.
Once nominated the candidate must be elected by the voting members of the board as prescribed in the By-Laws.
QAS By-Laws Section 2. Number and Election. The Corporation shall consist of not less than seven but not more than seventeen. All directors shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors or special meeting in lieu thereof, and thereafter until their respective successors are chosen and qualified when feasible. Directors will serve an initial one-year term, subject to an annual review, and then be re-elected into two-year terms annually. Elections are required to be held and recorded for each Director; no Director will be awarded tenure and/or assumed to continue to hold office. When elections are necessary, voting will be conducted during an executive session meeting, either by a show of hands or written ballots and the results will be tallied and presented to the Board then recorded by the Recording Clerk. In case of a tied vote, the President, who does not have standard voting rights, shall vote to break the tie. The Board of Directors shall include in FOUR executive slate positions: (1) President, (2) Vice President, (3) Treasurer, (4) Secretary and at least 7 but no more than 17 regular Directors, Recording Clerk and Shelter Director, that will be organized into a minimum of 4 standing committees. Any vacancy within any of these positions should remain vacant until respective successors are chosen and qualified while adhering to Article IV Section.2. The Directors may at any time increase the number of director positions. Any vacancy, including a vacancy resulting from an enlargement of the board, may be filled by a majority vote of the Directors in office. The Board of Directors of the Corporation may exercise all the powers of the Corporation notwithstanding any vacancies in the number of directors.
Questions? Please email president@quincyanimalshelter.org