Wesley was brought to us by someone who thought they were doing the right thing. They brought him to QAS but we were not open, so Wesley was tied to the street sign outside with a rope around his neck. Terrifying treatment for any cat to endure, he fought to get free nearly chocking himself and permanently scarring his neck.
The trauma was overwhelming, for a period of many months, volunteers worked tirelessly to calm Wesley and gain his trust. His neck healed, his hair grew back, but his trust in humans had not. He was sweet one minute and on guard the next. He would strike without warning and had become a danger to those trying to desperately to help him. Even medication did not diminish the fear. The damage was done and he could not be rehabilitated. This was devastating. Wesley deserved better.
A fund to help the truly homeless and helpless cats was created in his honor and name to preserve his memory. Wesley’s Wish helps fund our feral cat program which helps control the cat population in Quincy through a Trap, Neuter, and Release program.
Since 2001, more than 1000 feral cats have benefited from Wesley’s Wish. Currently it costs QAS a minimum of $125.00 to vaccinate, alter and ear tag each cat. Your $125.00 donation will make a significant impact towards controlling the unwanted Cat population in Quincy.
To make a donation to Wesley’s Wish Feral Cat Fund, please fill out the Membership & Donation form and enter your donation amount in the Wesley’s Wish Feral Cat Fund box under the “Donations (Non-membership)” section. Note: this is a non-membership donation.
Please make your check payable to: Quincy Animal Shelter and mail it along with the completed form to: Quincy Animal Shelter, P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269-0088
All Animals and Their Babies Have the Right to be Safe…
Quincy Animal Shelter’s “Wesley’s Wish Feral Cat Fund” is dedicated to the assistance of Feral Cats and offers colony assistance, information on low cost trap/spay-neuter/return (TNR) programs, and educational resources. Since the program’s introduction, we have assisted in the rescue and adoption of more than 162 kittens born outside, as well as the spaying or neutering of more than 136 adult cats!
We are looking for kind, responsible people to help with our Feral Cat Program.
First, if you have a feral cat in your yard, spay or neuter them – we have information on low cost clinics that we can provide you. It costs about the amount you spend on your morning coffee for a month to spay or neuter a cat. This cuts down on the constant flow of new kittens being born and reduces the fighting and spraying from the males.
Second, commit to feeding them, with winter coming in they need to build up some fat reserves to get them through those cold winter months. When you commit to feeding an animal, you must do it daily. They depend on you to live so before you jump into it, think – can I still feed them when it’s snowing outside? Feed your cat in the daytime, when raccoons and skunks are not around and take away any unused portions to keep wild animals away.
Third, offer them a place to shelter from the weather. Open up your shed or garage or build them a small shelter of their own. A large Rubbermaid storage container will do, cut two entrances in it, one in the front and one in the back, off center of each other, use a computer mouse pad as the “door”. This can save their lives if a raccoon or skunk tries to get in, with two doors they have another way to escape to safety. Put it on blocks off the ground and line the inside with straw or hay, cover it with a tarp and put it in a safe sheltered spot.
When the first cold nights come, we get dozens of calls from concerned citizens that hate to see the cats freezing outdoors. It kills us to see this too but we just can’t round them all up and bring them into the shelter. These are wild animals, many of them have never even been touched by a human being before and sadly most of them are unadoptable.
When the first snow comes, if you want to help, “adopt” a feral cat yourself and care for this poor forgotten animal. Give it food, give it shelter and it’s life will be saved because of you! This is a perfect project for older children, teens or those of you with allergies that would like to help an animal.
If you would like any more information on caring for the feral cats in your neighborhood or on the Rubbermaid container shelter,
please contact us at 617-376-1349.
Cash donations are always gratefully accepted, please mark your donations to the attention of the FERAL CAT PROGRAM.
We are also in desperate need of donated kitten and/or cat food – any brand, wet or dry.